
cinqque5tion with Toronto Mike (by: Jovin Tardif)


cinqque5tion with Toronto Mike

I was asked the other day, “wait a did you meet Toronto Mike”. Weirdly enough…through a tweet.  It sounds odd but it’s true. I wrote a comment about podcasting and a good friend of mine suggested Toronto Mike.  I thought about it for about a split second and figured it can’t hurt to write him a note. After a nice conversation over the phone, we met up for a cup of coffee at Starbucks. We had a pretty laid back conversation and I gave him a general idea of what I was thinking. It was a rather quick conversation, but I thought it went well. You never learn about someone in one conversation. I figured we will probably talk again.  In November, I reached out again and this time we met at his studio.  “Go down the stairs and make a right but let me give you a little word of advice. #realtalk Watch your head because the basement ceiling is a real doozy. It could leave a mark.”  I have always been a big fan of sports & entertainment and it was quite a surreal moment when Toronto Mike handed me a microphone and earphones. He was adjusting the sounds and away we go.  For a moment, I felt like I was reliving my youth. I used to create my own mixtapes and pretend I was a DJ like CFTR Toronto Tarzan Dan or Casey Kasem Top 40. I smiled because I am a big fan of improv and comedy and for some reason this experience really made a lot of sense.  I really appreciated that moment and now I want to introduce you to my guest Toronto Mike.

Toronto Mike | Voted Best of the A Toronto blog about all sorts of things with a Toronto-centric aftertaste. This Toronto Blog and podcast tastes great and is less filling.
Toronto Mike

How did you feel after your first podcast?
I felt like I had a lot to learn. You rarely hit a home run your first at-bat. You usually have to put in the reps before you truly
know what you’re doing.

Could you give an example of the process you took to get someone on your show?
Sometimes it’s as easy as tweeting an invitation at someone, other times it literally takes years of email before someone
is booked. Being patient is key.

Have you ever been surprised or caught off-guard by an answer to one of your questions?
Often! Kevin Frankish, for example, during his first visit. He was refreshingly honest for a man employed by the MSM. I was also pleasantly surprised by the candor of former newswomen Christine Bentley and Anne Mroczkowski.

Do you feel that your conversations bring you closer to that person? Please describe.
When you have a one-on-one conversation with someone for 90 minutes, it’s virtually impossible not to feel closer to him or her. And when you get to the #realtalk, you can experience an authentic moment. That’s the goal every time I record.

Just for fun. If you had to choose between sports & entertainment, what topic would you prefer to talk about and why?
Music! My favourite episodes are with musicians I loved as a teenager, be it Chuck D or Moe Berg or Ron Hawkins or Maestro Fresh Wes or Michie Mee. Bring the Noize!

Toronto Mike With over 500+ episodes, head over to check out his website and hear his podcast. #whatonwhatsgood Happy New Year!

About the Author
Jovin Tardif
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