What On What's Good

It belongs in a Museum…The Academy Museum (by: Jovin Tardif)


It belongs in a Museum…The Academy Museum’ by: Jovin Tardif

‘It belongs in a Museum…The Academy Museum’ What On What’s Good presents: A fictional story with Harrison Ford and Sean Connery about the Academy Museum.  The Academy Museum is opening soon. I figured I would create a fictitious story to show my appreciation to film, movies, music, entertainment and more.  Please enjoy!

‘It belongs in a Museum…The Academy Museum’ (Part 3)

HARRISON FORD AND SEAN CONNERY arrive in Gotham City. The City of Tomorrow They walk down one of Gotham’s meanest streets.

Batman Returns 1992, Tim Burton

SEAN CONNERY: It sure feels cold and dark here in Gotham, Junior. HARRISON FORD: I think we’re going the wrong way. I think we need to go left.

HARRISON FORD AND SEAN CONNERY make their way down a side street The street is deserted and lined up with stripped-down cars. HARRISON FORD AND SEAN CONNERY march into the darkness.

SEAN CONNERY: What are we doing here? HARRISON FORD: We have to locate the Batcave SEAN CONNERY: Where is it?

HARRISON FORD opens his Diary and begins to thumb through it.

HARRISON FORD: It seems to be connected to the Wayne Manor. I’ll tell you a bit more about it in the car.

SEAN CONNERY and HARRISON FORD grab a car from the side street. They take a short ride away from Gotham City. They arrive at a large mansion on sixty wooded acres.  HARRISON FORD opens his Diary and begins to look through it.

HARRISON FORD: The entrance is hidden. I suppose we need to figure out how to get in. I’m thinking we should see if there is some way to break-in without getting noticed. SEAN CONNERY: Couldn’t we just knock on the door, Indie? HARRISON FORD: I suppose we can try that option too. SEAN CONNERY: My gut says Alfred and I will get along.

HARRISON FORD AND SEAN CONNERY knock on the door of Wayne Manor. ALFRED THE BUTLER, 60s, APPEARS at the front door.

ALFRED: Can I help you? SEAN CONNERY: Yes. I am wondering if we can have a short discussion.


SEAN CONNERY: Don’t worry, Junior, I will take care of this one.

SEAN CONNERY and ALFRED step away from HARRISON FORD and have a quick conversation in the foyer.  They both return smiling.

ALFRED: Of course, you can see the BATCAVE.

HARRISON FORD looks extremely confused but decides not to overthink it. SEAN CONNERY whispers to HARRISON FORD.

SEAN CONNERY: As you may or may not know, I could be quite persuasive.

They enter the Batcave. The cave features a forensics lab, a computer, unspecified machines, a closet with costumes, the Batmobile, and its repair tools. HARRISON FORD looks at SEAN CONNERY.

HARRISON FORD: We need an image for the museum. SEAN CONNERY: I suppose we can create a painting. I told Alfred about your wonderful art expertises.

ALFRED walks in with an easel, a paintbrush with paint and a canvas and hands it over to HARRISON FORD. HARRISON FORD chuckles.  SEAN CONNERY AND ALFRED sip tea together as they wait on HARRISON FORD to finish his masterpiece.

Batcave matte painting from Batman Returns (1992). Gift of Craig Barron. Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. Photo by Joshua White. JW Pictures ©Academy Museum Foundation

(To be continued) #whatonwhatsgood #jovintardif whatonwhatsgood.com

Last time on ‘It belongs in a Museum…The Academy Museum’ (Part 2)

SEAN CONNERY and HARRISON FORD exit the Zeppelin.

In the background, you can see a ‘Welcome to Kansas’ sign. HARRISON FORD starts walking towards it.

HARRISON FORD: Okay, I think we should settle down at this house

SEAN CONNERY rolls his eyes and shakes his head but walks towards Harrison Ford.

Out of nowhere, a Cyclone starts approaching. SEAN CONNERY points up to the sky.

SEAN CONNERY: Better get under cover, Junior — there’s a storm blowing up.

The house starts spinning The cyclone whirling in the background (SEAN CONNERY starts screaming) HARRISON FORD and SEAN CONNERY are lying near a bed — the house continues to spin The house whirling down thru dust The home floats down thru clouds The residence crashes to the ground

SEAN CONNERY and HARRISON FORD open the door They both start looking around.

HARRISON FORD: I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. … but … we made it.

SEAN CONNERY: Well we were definitely airborne. Now what?

HARRISON FORD: We got to get those red ruby slippers.


HARRISON FORD starts getting agitated and replies.

HARRISON FORD: Because they belong in a…

SEAN CONNERY interrupts.

SEAN CONNERY: in a museum. Yes, yes. I’ll never ask again. Who are we looking for?

HARRISON FORD opens his Diary and begins to thumb through it.

HARRISON FORD: Dorothy …and I think all you have to do is follow the Yellow Brick Road.

SEAN CONNERY points in the distance.

SEAN CONNERY: Isn’t that Dorothy over there?

In the distance, you see Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow and Dorothy skipping down the yellow brick road.

HARRISON FORD: I think I have an idea.

SEAN CONNERY: What are going to do Indie?

HARRISON FORD guides SEAN CONNERY towards Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow and Dorothy.

HARRISON FORD: Dorothy I presume. I need a favour. I’m thinking we can do a bit of an exchange.

HARRISON FORD reaches in his leather bag.

HARRISON FORD: Look, Dorothy, I got a few pairs of shoes here in your size of course. I am thinking you might be interested in making a quick trade. I got these red Jordan shoes, red Puma shoes, and red Nike shoes but…choose wisely.

Screen used close-up pair of the Ruby Red Slippers designed by Adrian, from The Wizard of Oz (1939). Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. Photo by Joshua White. JW Pictures ©Academy Museum Foundation

Lion, Tin Man, Scarecrow and Dorothy look at each other. Dorothy looks pleased and grabs a pair of shoes from HARRISON FORD and hands over the ruby red slippers. HARRISON FORD and SEAN CONNERY continue to walk down the yellow brick road.

SEAN CONNERY: Quick-thinking Junior. Great negotiation skills. Okay…now how do we get out of here?

HARRISON FORD: I suppose we continue walking down the yellow brick road.

SEAN CONNERY: but, how do we get home?

HARRISON FORD opens his Diary and begins to thumb through it.

HARRISON FORD: It says here … “close your eyes and tap your heels together three times and think to yourself — “There’s no place like home; there’s no place like home; there’s no place like home. Mr. Connery, will you do the honours.”

HARRISON FORD hands over the ruby red slippers to SEAN CONNERY in order for him to put them on.

SEAN CONNERY “Junior, they aren’t really my size. I think it might be best if you try them on.”

HARRISON FORD giggles, shakes his head and puts on the red slippers. However, he is first interrupted by SEAN CONNERY.

SEAN CONNERY: How will Dorothy get home?

HARRISON FORD shrugs his shoulders and begins to tap his heels and continues to speak.

HARRISON FORD – There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.

Photo by Joshua White. JW Pictures ©Academy Museum Foundation

(To be continued) #whatonwhatsgood #jovintardif whatonwhatsgood.com

Last time on ‘It belongs in a Museum…The Academy Museum’ (Part 1)


Photo by Joshua White. JW Pictures ©Academy Museum Foundation

SEAN CONNERY leans in a doorway reading a newspaper as HARRISON FORD enters down the stairs and taps SEAN CONNERY’S shoulder.

HARRISON FORD and SEAN CONNERY show their papers to the Boarding Guards and join the line of passengers, which has already begun to move toward the Zeppelin.


Ten stories tall and longer than two football fields.

They begin to walk toward the boarding gates.

The Zeppelin is about to take off. HARRISON FORD and SEAN CONNERY make themselves comfortable in one of the compartments.

SEAN CONNERY: What are we doing Junior?

HARRISON FORD: I like Indiana.

SEAN CONNERY: We named the dog Indiana

HARRISON FORD: (embarrassed) I’ve got a lot of fond memories of that dog.

HARRISON FORD sits back in his chair, looks to SEAN CONNERY, now reading his newspaper.

SEAN CONNERY looks over his newspaper at HARRISON FORD. HARRISON FORD opens his Diary and begins to thumb through it.

SEAN CONNERY: Where are we going?

HARRISON FORD: We have a bit of time (pause) until December 2020.

SEAN CONNERY: I think you are a bit confused Junior. Your movie came out in February 2020.


HARRISON FORD continues to thumb through his Diary.

SEAN CONNERY: Indiana. Indiana.

HARRISON FORD looks perplexed as SEAN CONNERY has never called him this before.

HARRISON FORD: Mr. Bond, James Bond? Or should I simply call you Dad?

HARRISON FORD smirks and points at the diary.

HARRISON FORD We need to find these items. Come on…it will be fun… kind of like the Hunt for Red October.

SEAN CONNERY: (very calmly) …let it go…

HARRISON FORD: We can’t…We need to get these items because…

SEAN CONNERY starts to interrupt but HARRISON FORD jumps out if his chair and screams out loud.

HARRISON FORD: Because … It belongs in a museum. The Academy Museum.  Our first item is the ruby red slippers from the Wizard of Oz. Let’s go!

(To be continued) #whatonwhatsgood #jovintardif whatonwhatsgood.com

About the Author
Jovin Tardif
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